Bottle of red wine in the snow, next to two empty glasses and a small wrapped gift box.

A wine of the month club is a wine enthusiast’s dream. This type of subscription service delivers hand-selected wine to your doorstep each month and it allows you to choose the wine you want based on your preferences. Wine clubs typically deliver wine on a monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly basis, and offer the flexibility to change the type of wine you receive whenever you want to try something new.

Wine club members enjoy selections from all over the world, whether you prefer a California red wine or you’re in the mood for something sweet. It’s a convenient, cost-effective way to receive wines curated for you, without time spent browsing grocery store aisles and reading labels. Here are some considerations to determine if a wine of the month club is for you. 

Consider How Often You Drink Wine

It’s important to consider your wine consumption habits when deciding to participate in a monthly wine club. If you’re only an occasional wine drinker, you might choose to become a member of a single bottle club. This club delivers a single bottle of wine each month.

If you consume wine more frequently, most wine subscription models can deliver up to six bottles to your home each month. This option is great for people who regularly host wine dinners or entertain guests. If you live with others who enjoy wine, a subscription model that delivers a full wine case might be a better option for your household.

Assess Your Lifestyle

Your lifestyle will also affect your wine consumption habits, which might make you more or less qualified for a wine of the month club. If you’re a social butterfly who frequently hosts and attends social gatherings, there’s a good chance you’re always on the hunt for a high-quality bottle of wine. That’s exactly where a wine of the month club can help.

You might also enjoy a monthly wine club if you have a passion for culture, travel, and cuisine. Opting for a subscription is also a great way to learn how to pair certain wines with certain dishes to elevate a meal.

However, if you’re not a frequent traveler or party guest, you may still associate wine with relaxation after a long day. Occasional wine consumption might mean a single bottle of wine per month is a better option for you.

It’s also possible that your lifestyle might mean you’re less of a fit for a monthly wine club. For example, a sugar-free or alcohol-free diet might mean you’d rather enjoy a glass of water with dinner or dessert.

Reflect on Your Interest in Wine Tasting

Some wine enthusiasts enjoy the taste of wine, but only drink a glass once in a while. Others drink wine more often, particularly in social settings with other wine lovers. These more frequent drinkers typically have an interest in wine tasting, a wine experience that goes beyond casual consumption.

Wine tasting is a live event where people compare and assess different wines. This can mean taking in aromas and evaluating factors like color, clarity, flavor profile, and finish.

If you have an interest in wine tasting, joining a wine of the month club is a great decision. Monthly wine clubs make it easy to order premium wine by the case, allowing you and fellow wine enthusiasts to immerse yourself in new flavors. A subscription model can also save you money, with fixed monthly costs and bulk purchasing discounts lowering overall prices.

Evaluate Your Budget

It’s also important to consider your finances before committing to a wine of the month club. Many monthly wine clubs feature many different subscription tiers, so you should have several options to choose from to determine which best fits your financial situation.

Here are a few tips on finding space in your budget for a wine of the month subscription:

  • Review your monthly expenses: Evaluate your current spending habits to identify areas where you could potentially save money. This will allow you to reallocate money toward a monthly wine club subscription.
  • Set a wine budget: Establish a firm, monthly wine budget based on your income and consumption habits. Consider the cost of a subscription and any additional purchases like wine glasses you might need to make.
  • Adjust your discretionary spending: Consider how discretionary expenses like dining out, entertainment, and shopping affect your current budget. Look for discretionary costs you can adjust.

Evaluating your finances is important to determine if you have room in your budget for a wine subscription. You may need to cut other expenses to free up space in your budget for world-class wine.

Research Different Options for Wine of the Month Clubs

Make sure to do your research before settling on a particular wine of the month club. Consider a club’s subscription tiers, wine selection, and reputation during your selection process. Look for monthly wine clubs that offer you a range of flexibility in selecting your subscription and in changing that subscription as your tastes change.

No matter your taste in wine, you can find a monthly subscription club that provides the blends you want. Consider wine ratings for each subscription — both user-generated ratings and the commonly-used Parker System — to ensure you get the most out of the wine club.

Clubs also vary by wine quantity. If you’re a casual wine drinker, consider a single-bottle club. Lovers of high-end wine will prefer a premium wine subscription. You can even request premium wine by the case, which is perfect for wine enthusiasts preparing for a group tasting.

Consider a Free Trial or Limited Deal

Many wine of the month clubs feature free trials or limited-time deals, allowing you to test the waters and determine whether a subscription model is right for you. This risk-free experience allows you to grow familiar with your preferred wine club firsthand. You can evaluate club performance, wine quality, and determine whether or not the value of the club is right for you.

Limited deals may include discounted rates or refunds if you’re not satisfied with the quality of service. However, not all wine club free trials are created equal. Watch out for features like automatic enrollment and hidden cancellation fees that charge your payment information unless you end your trial before a certain date.

Review Available Space

Before joining a monthly wine club, make sure you have a space in your home for the wine itself. You will need a wine rack, cellar storage, or other location where you can store wine in a temperature-controlled environment.

If you’re short on floor or counter space, consider options like a tall wine rack to store bottles vertically. You can also protect your wine with wall-mounted shelves or under-stair storage. For additional storage, consider repurposing a spare closet or garage cabinet as a wine storage solution.

Opting for a wine of the month club can be a great way to begin your wine education or discover new favorites. Just be sure to do your research ahead of time to determine what kind of subscription is best for you. 

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