Knowing how to open wine bottles seems like it should be pretty self-explanatory, but many burgeoning wine connoisseurs will find that it can be trickier than it first seems. Let’s take a look at how to open wine bottles successfully and some tips and tricks to make the job easier.
If you have the right tools, knowing how to open a wine bottle is reasonably simple. Let’s assume that you are new to this. Let’s also assume that this is not a screw-top wine bottle — because that one we know you can handle!
Opening a wine bottle is a good skill to have on hand, as it can come in handy in a variety of situations, from first dates, to cookouts, to dinner parties. You may particularly find these skills useful if you sample wines often, or want to learn more about wines.
How To Open a Bottle of Wine With a Corkscrew
The most common and straightforward way to open a bottle of wine is by using a corkscrew. Corkscrew tools can come in several forms and varieties.
Wine Key
Wine keys, also known as sommelier knives, are very simple and are often cheap and easy to obtain. They are sometimes even included in multitools. The following are the steps for using a wine key:
Using the small serrated knife on the wine key, remove the foil from the top of the wine bottle.
Pull the corkscrew component so that it is perpendicular to the rest of the tool.
Twist the coil (also called the worm) clockwise into the center of the cork.
Extend the bottle opener arm component so that it provides leverage against the lip of the bottle.
Firmly grasp the neck of the wine bottle in one hand, and grip the tool’s handle with the other, placing fingers firmly on the handle to both sides of the corkscrew.
Slowly pull the handle like a lever until the bottle opener arm is straight.
Wine keys typically wear out relatively quickly, so if you open wine bottles frequently, it will be best to invest in a high-quality wine key or a more sophisticated tool.
Wing Corkscrew
The most common and widely available tool for opening wine bottles is the wing corkscrew. The following are the steps for using a wing corkscrew:
Remove the foil from the top of the wine bottle.
With the corkscrew arms down, place the corkscrew over the cork
Begin turning the metallic coil in a clockwise direction
When the coil is almost completely inserted and the arms have risen, push the arms down and the cork will rise from the bottle
Wing corkscrews are simple tools like wine keys, but take slightly less effort to use.
Rabbit Corkscrew
Rabbit corkscrews (also known as lever corkscrews) are even simpler to use than a wing corkscrew but less expensive than many automatic openers. The following are the steps for using a lever corkscrew:
Remove the foil from the top of the wine bottle.
Clamp the apparatus around the neck of the bottle.
Lift the lever all the way up.
Push the lever back down.
As your expertise as a wine-drinker grows, so too will your wine enthusiast tool set. You now know that the right way to open a wine bottle is key. That’s why many oenophiles opt for the easy-to-use rabbit corkscrew.
Legacy Corkscrew
Also known as a table mount or tabletop corkscrew, legacy corkscrews are tightly clamped (or otherwise installed) on the edge of a counter or other flat surface. The following are the steps for using a legacy corkscrew:
Remove the foil from the top of the wine bottle.
Place the top of the bottle firmly between the clamp.
Grab the handles to engage the clamp.
While still holding the clamp, pull the lever forward.
Remove the bottle, and place it to the side.
Push the lever back to its original position to retrieve the cork.
These wine openers are typically more expensive and are ideal for wine enthusiasts who are willing to invest a bit more money to convey a sophisticated air or elevate their home decor with a functional apparatus.
Electric Wine Opener
Electric wine openers are very popular due to their simplicity. The following are the steps for using an electric wine opener:
Remove the foil from the top of the wine bottle.
Line up the bottom opening of the wine opener with the rim of the wine bottle.
Press and hold the button until the cork has been removed.
Remove the cork from the wine opener.
Electric wine openers can be battery-operated or rechargeable.
How To Open a Bottle of Wine Without a Corkscrew
What should you do if you find yourself missing that important piece of equipment? Opening wine bottles without a corkscrew on hand isn’t as difficult as it might seem. If you have any of the following household items, you can still successfully remove a cork.
For this method, you will need a screw, a screwdriver, and a hammer (trust us, this will be gentler than it sounds). In order to remove the cork, do as follows:
Use the screwdriver to gently insert the screw into the center of the cork.
Leave a small amount of the screw sticking out above the cork.
Using the back of a hammer as you would to remove a nail, carefully pull the cork from the bottle.
This process may not be as smooth or elegant as it would be with an actual corkscrew, but it is very effective.
Wooden Spoon
For this method, you will need a wooden spoon with a slim handle and plenty of patience. Any blunt, sturdy object of a similar shape will also work. In order to remove the cork, do as follows:
Make sure you have a good grip on the wine bottle so it doesn’t slip
Use the handle of the wooden spoon to carefully push the cork into the bottle. Exercise plenty of patience and caution as this method can take some effort
You should be able to then pour the wine with the cork inside the bottle.
If some of the cork crumbles, either strain it with a fine strainer or consider it a little bonus treat.
Key, Scissors, or Serrated Knife
This method is similar to the screwdriver method. For this you will need a key, scissors, a serrated knife, or a similar sharp object. The object should be thin enough to be able to slip into the cork without being hindered by the lip of the bottle, and ideally should feature serrations. In order to remove the cork, do as follows:
Insert the sharp edge of the tool into the cork.
Grasp the bottle firmly with one hand and make sure to hold the tool steady with the other so it doesn’t slip.
Slowly twist the tool to loosen and remove the cork.
If this is not done successfully, you may end up with pieces of cork in the wine, at which point you can strain the wine to remove the pieces.
Bike Pump
For this method, you need a bike pump and an abundance of caution. If possible, it will be best to wear safety goggles. In order to remove the cork, do as follows:
Remove children and pets from the area, and lay down plastic or towels, as it is possible for the bottle to explode if you over-pump.
Push the needle of the bike pump through the cork. It should emerge on the other side of the cork to access the gap between the wine and the cork.
Slowly and carefully pump, and the pressure should push the cork out of the bottle.
Always proceed with caution when attempting methods like this that risk breaking the bottle.